Sunday, November 28, 2010

Artist Statement

      "My work expresses moods or states of being that I have experienced, such as contemplation, loneliness and isolation. I try to "freeze frame" moments when I have felt these emotions most strongly. To communicate my inner experiences through my work, I use the human figure. Because it is both a personal and a universal symbol, it enables others to understand what I am saying.

      My work has been influenced by many sessions of life drawing [courses] I have taken at Mission College and the Pacific Art League of Palo Alto. These classes have helped me see instead of relying on assumptions. To understand how light and shadow define shape and form, how gravity affects mass, and how the weight of the body can be interpreted by varying the line gives my work a sense of realism that is important in communicating my message."

                                                                                                    -Ron Garcia

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